
I bet you though vegetarian meant someone who doesn’t eat meat!  Well, in actual fact, there are a number of different types of vegetarians including lacto ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ova vegetarians and vegans.

Lacto comes from the Latin word lac which means milk and ovo is a latin word meaning egg.  Therefore a lacto-ovo vegetarian eats dairy products and eggs, but no animal flesh.  A lacto vegetarian eats dairy, but no eggs and no animal flesh.  An ova vegetarian eats eggs, but no dairy or animal flesh.

The word vegan has, over the years, evolved from the word vegetarian and refers to a person who doesn’t eat or use any animal products whatsoever.  That includes honey, dairy, eggs, leather goods, wool, silk etc.

There is also another type of diet that is sometimes referred to as an “almost”vegetarian diet and that is a pescatarian.  Pescatarian is a blend of two words, pesc which is Italian for fish and atarian which is the end part of the word vegetarian.  Pescatarians eat the same diet as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, but they also eat fish and shellfish.  However I can’t see how it can be called a vegetarian diet, because animal flesh is still consumed.  Fish are still animals!  But anyway it is good that people are reducing their meat intake, so thumbs up from me.

There you have it,  a vegetarian diet isn’t as simple as you thought it was.  As with just about everything in this world there is variety, even when it comes to types of vegetarians.

Talking about variety, we not only need material food, we also need spiritual food.  A vegetarian diet is a healthy way to go, but it isn’t going to go deep enough to satisfy you the soul.  For that you need spiritual food.  These transcendental Mantras will give you food for the soul.  All you have to do is kick back, relax and listen!